Mitzvah Project

My Mitzvah Project is to collect games and donate them to people in need. I am very passionate about board games and I play them a lot of weekends with my family. One of my favorite things to do is to learn a new board game. I want others to be able to experience board games and enjoy playing them. I am going to donate them to JAFCO , Jewish Family Services, and Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital. I am collecting games for all ages. I am also collecting decks of cards and I will make a pamphlet giving people games to play with them.

Where to send?

Two Options:

1) We have an Amazon Wish List

You can mail it or bring it to my address. Please contact my mom if you need our address.

What have I collected?

You can look below to see what we have collected so far.

Avi's Mitzvah Project Collections